Sites worth visiting

Bamberg-PanoramaBamberg has a lot to offer, like the Bamberger Symphony Orchestra and the famous Bamberg Beergardens. We would like to suggest to our guests to visit and experience the following events:


Bamberg zaubertMagicians and jugglers performing all over the old city centre
Brose BasketsBasketball at National League level
CanalissimoFishermen’s Festival along the river Regnitz
GondelfahrtBoat trip on the river in a real Venetian gondola
Nachtwächtera unique walk around Bamberg at night
Organisierte TourenBavaria Chauffeur Tours
SandkerwaBamberg’s very own “Oktober Fest”
Schiffahrt KropfBoat trip along “Little Venice”
StadtführungenGet to know the world heritage
WeltkulturerbelaufLocal half marathon across seven hills


Bamberger Symphoniker
Music Society
Brentano Theatre Club Kaulberg
ETA Hoffmann Theatre
Puppets theater
Theatre at the Michaelsberg

Food and drink:

Bamberg is the ideal place to enjoy good life. There is a great variety of beer gardens, called ‘Keller’, which are run by small local breweries. No other city in Germany has a higher density of breweries than we do! Enjoy our range of beers.

GreifenklauBrewery restaurant & beergarden
HofbräuBrewery restaurant & beergarden
MahrsBrewery restaurant & beergarden
KeesmannBrewery restaurant & beergarden
Der PelikanEat and Drink
Spezial KellerBrewery restaurant & beergarden
Wilde Rose KellerBrewery restaurant & beergarden


If you enjoy shopping away from the hurly burly in the big stores, Bamberg is the place for you. We have lots of exquisite little shops you will love, like for example:

Goldschmiede Canola im Sand
Mohrenhaus, das Haus für schöne Sachen
Müller 7 Showroom, Plan, design, set up